If you received a letter or a text from us, chances are we have located dormant assets in your name.

Asset Recovery PA’s firm is headquartered in the Philadelphia area. We service the entire state of Pennsylvania. Through our extensive research, we have determined that you may be the rightful owner of the funds we have uncovered. We have successfully helped many, many individuals, estates and companies throughout the state to collect assets that they previously never knew existed.


Estates may become more difficult when the decedent did not possess a will or there are multiple heirs to an estate. We work closely with the Probate Courts to open or reopen the estates for the sole purpose of administrating these when assets are discovered. 

Our ultimate success is when you receive the funds that we helped you. Let us have the opportunity to work with you. You have nothing to lose — only to gain!

Businesses that are dissolved or are sold or merged may create potential chain of ownership issues. Businesses may be unaware of assets left over by previous companies. Through mergers and acquisitions, these assets may belong to the current successor company. We work closely to produce the correct documents that each Government agency and County Commissioner requires to return the assets that are rightfully and legally yours.


We work on a contingency basis and we are only paid if we successfully recover monies for our clients. There are no upfront fees or costs to you.