Why are you contacting me?
We believe you are entitled to money that has been lost or abandoned. Please see the cover letter for the name and address associated with this account as our research indicates you had an association with that residence or office.

Why are you contacting me?
How did you get my information?Asset Recovery PA is provided a list of lost and abandoned accounts. After beingsupplied the original account information which includes name and address, AssetRecovery PA’s team of researchers perform extensive research to locate you and anAccount Specialist is assigned to your case to facilitate the recovery of this account.

Why are you contacting me
Can you release additional information about this asset? Once we have verified your identity and confirmed that you are legally entitled to this asset, we will disclose the details of the account which are provided to us

Why are you contacting me?
How much will it cost me? There is no up-front cost to you. Asset Recovery PA will collect a percentage of the proceeds if we are successful in reuniting you with your assets. If Asset Recovery PA is unsuccessful in the recovery of the asset, there is no fee.

Why are you contacting me?
How does this happen? Asset Recovery PA is not made aware as to the specifics which lead to this asset
becoming lost or abandoned. Our goal is to simply reunite these funds with the rightful owners or heirs.

Why are you contacting me?
What if the original owner is deceased?
Asset Recovery PA provides the necessary services to recover abandoned assets for estate representatives. We will work with the executor or administrator of an estate to reunite the funds with the appropriate parties.